All eCommerce businesses continue to be profitable as people’s dependency and connection to the Internet continues to develop. If you have an eCommerce business, you need low capital because you don’t need as much money as a brick-and-mortar business.
With that said, below are some ways on how you can keep your data protected as an eCommerce business. Read on to find out what they are in-depth.
Educate employees
The first step to keeping sensitive business data protected is by educating your employees first. Invest in some training sessions on data security threats for your employees so that they know what signs to look for.
Humans are fallible beings, but they can also learn, so it is always a great idea to invest in your employees’ education, including data security training. For an eCommerce Business, all your data is online, so this is especially important.
Teach your employees the signs that something is fishy or a scam. Give them all the tools they need to avoid getting attacked. Plus, always encourage them to be vigilant with every email or so that they receive.
Enable two-factor authentication
When accessing important parts of your eCommerce business, make sure that you enable the two-factor authentication security measure. There are many reasons why you should turn on this feature for the protection of your data and your customers’ data.
One, it makes it harder for people to impersonate or gain access to sensitive areas and data on your business. This is because the second factor for authentication is usually harder to procure than the password itself, ironically enough.
The two-factor authentication also protects customer data so you will have better relationships with your online clientele. It protects every transaction of your client, so they’re sure that the transaction truly is secure.
Keep your software is up-to-date
Everyone knows how annoying those pop-ups are that ask you to update your software to the most recent version. They also usually happen right when you’re in the middle of doing something, so people are hesitant to have to restart their entire system.
Although it can be annoying, the update is for your protection and your device’s protection too. Updates may tackle the weaknesses in the security of the previous version. Thus, if you don’t update your software, it can leave you vulnerable.
Don’t be lazy and ignore the update just because it requires you to restart. As soon as possible, update your software. You can reopen any application anytime, but you will have a difficult time trying to retrieve lost data from a security breach.
Switch to HTTPS
For your eCommerce Business, it is best for your business if you switch from HTTP to HTTPS. HTTP is short for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, and the S added to it is Secure. That is because HTTPS is a more secure version of the previous HTTP.
To be able to have an HTTPS, they first must determine the domain’s legitimacy by finding out whether or not it belongs to the owner of the website. Aside from that, they may also ask you to present legal certificates to prove ownership.
Due to these additional features of security, it avoids scammers and phishing sites. With these security measures, search engines will rank HTTPS sites much higher on the search results.
Backup files frequently
Although it is vital to invest in the prevention of data loss, sometimes it’s also good to prepare yourself just in case you lose it. The first thing to think about is the backup versions of your data.
If your data is cloud-hosted, then ideally you should have your data backed up regularly. Aside from frequent backups, iStaunch suggests that you should also have backups of backups so you can be extra sure that you have a backup in place.
When you have a backup in place, you don’t have to stop business operations should you suffer some data loss. You can rise back up and continue operations in conjunction with your efforts to address the data loss issue.
Secure your wireless network
Something that you shouldn’t neglect is the security of your Wi-Fi network. When you’re checking up on your eCommerce business’s information security management efforts, check up on your wireless networks.
Make sure that you don’t have an open connection so that not just anyone can access your wireless network. Aside from that, make sure that you change passwords both for your guest network and your standard network regularly.
Scan all new devices
Lastly, if you are plugging in USB devices and others into your network, then make sure that you give it a scan first. This way, you know if the device harbors malware or viruses that could harm your network.
Scanning devices is a simple step that anyone can take that goes a long way in preventing your network from being infected.
Wrap up
As an eCommerce business, your company is a digital native, and thus, it is subject to digital attacks. With the measures mentioned above, you can rest assured that your data is protected and that you did as much as you can to prevent data loss both in the present and the future.