The use of poor content including headlines, product descriptions, font styles, colors, etc, on a website can massively reduce sales. Incorrect spelling (typos), poor grammar, uninspired and feature focused product descriptions all written in a boring style determine whether a customer stays (sticks) or leaves your website. To reiterate, you have approximately 5–7 seconds (maximum) to capture your prospect’s attention, when they enter any page of your website. So make your web pages are sticky.
Your content needs to captivate, educate and inspire your prospects to want to take action and buy your products, read your blog or sign up to your email newsletter. Use emotional triggers by focusing on benefits, experiences and results that your products will give your prospects and future customers.
Google constantly searches for and recognizes new content on websites in its index. Blogs especially are regarded as fresh and relevant content that Google likes to rank and supply to its Google searchers. Google ranks blogs rapidly and high in its search engine results. This is why I recommend you write and post blogs often.