Many websites fail to match their site content with the search terms that their prospects search for in Google. This critical component to driving lots of free organic—also known as natural—search engine traffic to your website starts with detailed Keyword research. When writing content for your website, especially on your home page, category and product pages, you need to … [Read more...] about Ecommerce Essentials – Build a Solid Foundation With the Right Keyword & Key Phrase Selection!
Ecommerce Essentials – Improve Usability & Keep Visitors On Your Site!
On entering your website you have approx 5–7 seconds to hold your visitors’ attention or they will ‘bounce’ and will leave before clicking to another page. Less than one person in every 100 visitors to the average ecommerce website will buy! Increasing this visitor-to-sale conversion rate is all about usability and a simple conversion path. This includes everything from the … [Read more...] about Ecommerce Essentials – Improve Usability & Keep Visitors On Your Site!
Ecommerce Essentials – Why Busy & Cluttered Sites Suck!
How many websites have you visited where they hit you with too much content too soon, whether it’s graphics, images and options, and you have no idea where to start? There is no clear entry to the products, no sales funnel, and no clear path through to the checkout. This equals failure! So keep your design clean and clear, keep it simple, keep text and image actions direct … [Read more...] about Ecommerce Essentials – Why Busy & Cluttered Sites Suck!
Ecommerce Essentials – Design is Key!
Design is the first visual element that new and existing customers notice on your website when they enter your site. As these processes are subconscious—and adding to the challenge, you only have approx 5–7 seconds to capture your visitor’s attention—your design has to be right or your visitor will leave, also known as bounce. Bounce Rate is an online measurement that expresses … [Read more...] about Ecommerce Essentials – Design is Key!
Ecommerce Essentials – Outsource for Optimum Efficiency!
Outsourcing simply means giving a specific role or project to an outside company or individual. Many of the outsource websites including, or have a plethora of people waiting to handle your project. However a big word of warning; the majority of providers are ‘yes men’ and will claim they can do anything you ask or give them. But in my … [Read more...] about Ecommerce Essentials – Outsource for Optimum Efficiency!
Ecommerce Essentials – Using the Right Ecommerce Software Is Critical!
Using poor quality ecommerce software will affect functionality and usability for you and for your customer. Problems include; a slow load time in your user’s browser, poorly laid out products, inferior search engine optimization features, all leading ultimately to an arduous ecommerce experience. Good ecommerce software loads fast, has a great structure for the user so they … [Read more...] about Ecommerce Essentials – Using the Right Ecommerce Software Is Critical!
Ecommerce Essentials – Multi-Channel Retailing for Greater Sales!
Are you planning to sell both online and offline? This is multi-channel trading. Ecommerce accounts for over 40% of all retail sales worldwide and demonstrates that mixing the two sales channels can be very profitable when working in synergy; especially when you run marketing strategies such as ‘Buy Online, Collect-in-Store’. The advantage of an online business is that … [Read more...] about Ecommerce Essentials – Multi-Channel Retailing for Greater Sales!
Ecommerce Essentials – Focus. Focus. Focus.
Your plan will include a small written document covering key areas of your website and business and will keep you focused and on track. You have heard the old adage ‘If you Fail to Plan, you Plan to Fail’. How true - unless you hit the lottery and by pure chance you get it right first time without planning. There is a better way. Be… ‘FOCUSED. CONSISTENT. PATIENT’ Once … [Read more...] about Ecommerce Essentials – Focus. Focus. Focus.
Ecommerce Essentials – Plan, Forecast & Watch the Numbers!
Planning is essential to establish that your new ecommerce website can and will make money. If it doesn't make sense in a Spreadsheet, it won't work in your business! You need to find out: If there is a demand for your product online? Are the products you intend to sell actually selling online and in what numbers? What are your competitors’ prices like? Are they … [Read more...] about Ecommerce Essentials – Plan, Forecast & Watch the Numbers!
Ecommerce Essentials – Take Action Now!
This is critical for an ecommerce business as the internet and technology changes so fast. Too many businesses waste time analyzing, planning and thinking without taking action. These three areas are very important, however as soon as the Research, Numbers and Exit Strategy (or goal) is established and make financial sense, then get started. The perfect time will never come, so … [Read more...] about Ecommerce Essentials – Take Action Now!